Dynamics of water flow and sediments in the upper Paraná River between Porto Primavera and Itaipu dams, Brazil


  • Débora Pinto Martins Université Lumière Lyon 2, France and Universidade Estadual de Maringá/GEMA, Brazil.
  • Jean-Paul Bravard Université Lumière Lyon 2, France.
  • José Cândido Stevaux Universidade Estadual de Maringá/GEMA and UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.

Palabras clave:

Bedload transport; Dunes; Paraná River; Large rivers


The following paper aims to quantify the bedload transport in the Paraná river in the Porto São José cross section (22°45’52”S; 53°10’34”W), between Porto Primavera and Itaipu dams, Brazil. In the used method, the bedload transport is estimated from the height and the displacement of the dunes along a longitudinal profile. The results were compared with those obtained from classical bedload transport equations. In the Porto São José cross section, the estimated average bedload transport applying the Dune Displacement Method (DDM) was 3,157 t d-1, which corresponds to an average annual bedload transport of 1,152,325 t yr-1. Applying the Van Rijn equation the average bedload transport was calculated in 2,830 t d-1 (1,032,950 t yr-1), while using the Engelund-Fredsøe equation the average bedload transport found was 3,135 t d-1 (1,144,378 t yr-1). The obtained values using different methods presented some coherence each other, which means that these results can be used as a starting point to establish bedload transport estimations in the Upper Paraná river.


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Cómo citar

Pinto Martins, D. . ., Bravard, J.-P. ., & Stevaux, J. C. . (2021). Dynamics of water flow and sediments in the upper Paraná River between Porto Primavera and Itaipu dams, Brazil. atin merican ournal of edimentology and asin nalysis, 16(2), 111–118. ecuperado a partir de https://lajsba.sedimentologia.org.ar/lajsba/article/view/110



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