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Vol. 19 No. 1 (2012)
Cover Photo: Sandy heterolithic beds with frequent change in current direction and intraformational conglomerates of tidal-fluvial channels in the Miocene "Rionegrense" of Patagonia. Photo by R.A. Scasso. For further detail see Scasso et al., pp 27-45, this issue.
Vol. 18 No. 2 (2011)
Cover Photo: Example of flat gravel clast transported over thesandy beach of Pehuén Co, Argentina. Photo by G.M.E. Perillo. For further detail see Perillo et al., pp 105-120, this issue.
Vol. 18 No. 1 (2011)
Cover Photo. SEM microphotograph of calcite cement in meniscus style of telodiagenetic origin, siliciclastic basal section of the Villa Mónica Formation (Sierras Bayas Group, Tandilia System). Photograph by L. Gómez Peral. For further detail see Gómez Peral et al., pp 3-41, this issue.
Vol. 17 No. 2 (2010)
Cover Photo: Intraformational conglomerates at the base of incised channel belts of the Toro Negro Fm in the La Troya creek south section. Photo by Carlos O. Limarino. For further detail see Limarino et al. pp 113-132, this issue.
Vol. 17 No. 1 (2010)
Cover Image: Multichannel seismic section of the Bonaerensian Continental Slope near Mar del Plata Canyon. Obtained during the geological-geophysical Meteor Cruise 49/2 (2001), Marum, Universuity of Bremen. For further details see Violante et al., 33-62, this issue.
Vol. 16 No. 2 (2009)
Special issue: “Hydro-geomorphology, sediment transport and human impact in large South American rivers.”
Cover Image: NDSAT image of the Paraná River alluvial plain downstream Porto Primavera dam at the confluence with the Paranapamena River, tripartite border between Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo and Paraná states, Brazil. For further detail see Stevaux et al., pp 101-109, this issue.
Vol. 16 No. 1 (2009)
Cover Photo: Ooid dolostone of the Auga de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation (Early Cretaceous, Neuquén Basin, Argentina) with dolomite replacement of early marine cement, a dolomite cementation event and late calcite cementation. Photo by Maisa Tunik. For further detail see Tunik et al. pp. 29-23, this issue.
Vol. 15 No. 2 (2008)
Cover Photo: Volcanic bomb of previously consolidated, dense, basaltic material producing plastic deformation of pyroclastic surge deposits. Strombolian-style eruption of basaltic-rich volcaniclastic strata, Sarmiento Formation, Patagonia Argentina. Photo: José M. Paredes.
Vol. 15 No. 1 (2008)
Cover Photo: A clastic-carbonate sequence of Lajas Formation (Hettangian-Callovian, Neuquén basin) at Puesto Gregor, 50 km SSE from Zapala, Neuquén Province, Argentina. At the middle of the outcrop a thin dolomitic bed bearing a Zn-Pb mineralization, is shown as a light medium grey bed. Photo: Mirta Garrido.
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2007)
Cover Photo: Presence of biofilm on a tidal plain in Bahía Blanca Estuary. Some pieces of the organic layer had been torn off by erosion. The presence of bubbles is due to the cohesive microbial films that inhibit escape of the gas, which came from deeper buried organic deposits, into the air or water. When accumulating beneath the surface mat, gas pressure leads to doming the mat. Photo: Diana Cuadrado.
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2007)
Cover Photo: Profile on the National Route 60, 500m to the west of Villa Mervil. Outcrop of the contact between Salicas (Pliocene) and Las Cumbres (Plio-Pleistocene) formations. Salicas Fm is represented by fluvial and aeolic sands that form lenticular bodies and the Las Cumbres Fm initiates with a chanalized megaform deeply excavated in the sandy substrate and filled by fluvial gravels. The megaform was abandoned and the Madrejòn Seco gully was later filled up by fine lagunal sediments. Photo: Gerardo Bossi
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2006)
Cover Photo: Photomicrograph illustrating a detrital K-feldspar with multiphase alteration from Peñas Coloradas Formation, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Chubut. This grain has been partially dissolved and replaced by clay minerals cement (rim cement) as well as opal (occluding cement). Photo: María Sol Raigemborn.
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2006)
Cover Photo: Ripple marks of the Puncoviscana Formation (Ediacaran - Lower Cambrian) in the Quebrada de Escoipe, Salta province. Photo: Guillermo Aceñolaza.
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2006)
Special Issue: “Neoproterozoic and Cambrian Basins in Argentina and Uruguay.”
Cover Photo: Sea cliffs showing a partial view of the pleistocenic transgressive-regressive cicle, Chuy and Dolores formations. Localization: Villa Argentina beach in Río de la Plata (Canelones Department, Uruguay). Maximum height: 16m.
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2005)
Cover Photo: Jasperoid body as a result of the replacement of calcite (Jurasic travertine) by silica. Manantial Espejo Mining District, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Coin diameter 31 mm. Foto: H. Echeveste.