Reseña del libro Sistemas Fluviales: Organización, Evolución e Importancia Económica


  • Aldo Martín Umazano INCITAP (CONICET-UNLPam) / FCEyN de la UNLPam


Sistemas fluviales, Análisis, José Matildo Paredes, Reseña


This contribution is a brief review of the book “Sistemas Fluviales: Organización, Evolución e Importancia Económica”, which has been published by the Asociación Geológica Argentina thanks to the work of the Dr. José Matildo Paredes. The book includes ten chapters covering a wide variety of concepts of the fluvial systems, mainly sedimentologic and stratigraphic aspects, which were addressed at different temporo-spatial scales. The concepts developed are: i) Introduction; ii) Fluid Dynamics and Sediment Transport; iii) Texture, Sedimentary Structures and Facies; iv) Fluvial Architecture; v) Distal Floodplain; vi) Classifications of Fluvial Systems; vii) Allocyclic Controls; viii) Fluvial Reservoirs; ix) References; and x) Alphabetic Index. In this review, a critical brief description of each chapter was carried out with emphasis in those more relevant topics for understanding the dynamics of these particularly complex environments.


Paredes, J.M. (2022). Sistemas Fluviales: Organización, Evolución e Importancia Económica. Asociación Geológica Argentina, 602 pp.


2022-09-19 — Updated on 2022-12-21

How to Cite

Umazano, A. M. (2022). Reseña del libro Sistemas Fluviales: Organización, Evolución e Importancia Económica. atin merican ournal of edimentology and asin nalysis, 29(2), 121–124. etrieved from



Book Reviews