Glacial Deposits in the Río del Peñón Formation (Late Carboniferous), Río Blanco Basin, Northwestern Argentina
The Río del Peñón Formation (Borrello, 1955 nom. subst. González y Bossi, 1986) forms the upper part of the late Paleozoic outcropping in the Río Blanco anticline (northwest Precordillera, La Rioja Province). This unit is predominantly composed of a thick (1270 m.) sandstone and mudstone sequence including thin levels of coal and scarce conglomerates (Scalabrini Ortiz, 1972; Scalabrini Ortiz and Arrondo, 1973; González and Bossi, 1986). These deposits represent a complex interfingering of shallow marine and fluvial deposits recording relative sea-level fluctuations during the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian. The Río del Peñón Formation overlies andesites and volcanic breccias of the Punta del Agua Formation (Fig. 1 and 2a).
Despite well known Late Carboniferous glacigenic deposits from different localities within the Precordillera (López Gamundí, 1987, 1997; López Gamundí and Martinez, 2000; Marenssi et al., 2004; Limarino and Spalletti, 2006; Henry et al., in press), glaciogenic deposits have not been reported from the Río del Peñón Formation. This documentation of glacial-related sediments in this succession serves to further constrain our knowledge of the temporal and paleogeographic distribution of Gondwanan glacial deposits.
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González, C.R. and G.E. Bossi, 1986. Los depósitos carbónicos al oeste de Jaguel, La Rioja. 4 Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía (Mendoza), Actas 1:231-236.
Gutierrez, P.R. and C.O. Limarino, 2006. El perfil del sinclinal del Rincón Blanco (noroeste de La Rioja): el límite Carbonífero- Pérmico en el noroeste argentino. Ameghiniana 43:687-703.
Henry, L.C., J.L. Isbell and C.O. Limarino, in press, Carbon glacigenic deposits of the Protoprecordillera of west central Argentina. In C.R. Fielding, T.D. Frank and J.L. Isbell (eds.) Resolving the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in Time and Space. Geological Society of America Special Paper 441.
Limarino, C.O., R.L. Caminos and L. Fauqué, 1996. Caracterización litoestratigráfica y correlación regional de la Formación Ranchillos (Carbonífero Superior-Pérmico), Cordillera Frontal de La Rioja. XIII Congreso Geológico Argentino, Actas 1:513-530.
Limarino, C.O., S.N. Césari, L.I. Net, S.A. Marenssi, P.R. Gutierrez and A.Tripaldi, 2002. The Upper Carboniferous postglacial transgression in the Paganzo and Río Blanco Basins (northwestern Argentina): facies and stratigraphic signiûcance. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15:445-460.
Limarino, C.O. and L. Spaletti, 2006. Paleogeography of the upper Paleozoic basins of southern South America: An overview. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 22:134-155.
Limarino, C., A. Tripaldi, S. Marenssi and L. Fauqué, 2006. Tectonic, sea-level and climatic controls on Late Paleozoic sedimentation in the western basins of Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 22:205-226.
López Gamundí, O.R.,1987. Depositional models for the glaciomarine sequences of Andean Late Paleozoic basins of Argentina. Sedimentary Geology 52:109-126.
López Gamundí, O.R., 1997. Glacial-postglacial transition in the Late Paleozoic basins of southern South America. In: I.P. Martini (ed.) Late Glacial and Postglacial Environmental Changes- Quaternary, Carboniferous-Permian and Proterozoic. Oxford University Press, New York, pp.147-168.
López Gamundí, O.R. and M. Martínez, 2000. Evidence of glacial abrasion in the Calingasta-Uspallata and western Paganzo basins, mid-Carboniferous of western Argentina. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecology 159:145-165.
Marenssi, S., A. Tripaldi, C.O. Limarino and A.T. Caselli, 2004. Facies and architecture of a Carboniferous grounding-line system from the Guandacol Formation, Paganzo Basin, northwestern Argentina. Gondwana Research 8:187-202.
Scalabrini Ortiz, J., 1972. La Cuenca Río Blanco en el sector norte de la Precordilera argentina y su relación con las sedimentitas del Grupo Paganzo. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 44:313- 320.
Scalabrini Ortiz, J. and O.G. Arrondo, 1973. Contribución al conocimiento del Carbónico de los perfiles del cerro Veladero y del río del Peñón (Precordilera de La Rioja). Revista del Museo de La Plata (n.s.) 8:257-279.
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