

  • Gonzalo D. Veiga Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas (CONICET - UNLP), Diagonal 113 275 (B1904DPK), La Plata, Argentina. Cátedra de Rocas Sedimentarias, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Calle 122 y 60 s/n (1900), La Plata, Argentina.
  • Alfonsina Tripaldi Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET. Pabellón 2, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Three full years have passed since we took charge
of the editorial team of the Latin American Journal
of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis (LAJSBA). In
July 2009 we set up a few objectives for the shortterm future of the journal and several things have
happened since that we want to share with the
community in order to analyse the future of LAJSBA.
This inscribes not just in the relatively small universe
in which the journal has impact but also in a fastevolving subject of scientific publications


Veiga, G.D. and A. Tripaldi, 2009. Editorial. Latin American

Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis 16:1-2.




Cómo citar

Veiga, G. D. ., & Tripaldi, A. . (2021). Editorial. Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis, 19(1), 1-2. Recuperado a partir de https://lajsba.sedimentologia.org.ar/index.php/lajsba/article/view/181


