Fire effects on rock weathering in the North Patagonian Andean Range


  • Agustín Quesada IRNAD (UNRN-CONICET)
  • Melina B. Paez Instituto de Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural (IRNAD), Río Negro, Argentina, UNRN-CONICET
  • Nicolás M. Bistolfi Instituto de Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural (IRNAD), Río Negro, Argentina, UNRN-CONICET
  • Ana P. Blazina Instituto de Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural (IRNAD), Río Negro, Argentina, UNRN-CONICET
  • Mariano M. Amoroso Instituto de Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural (IRNAD), Río Negro, Argentina, UNRN-CONICET

Palabras clave:

forest, thermoclasty, outcrop, fire-spalling


Fire-induced rock exfoliation is a rapid mechanical weathering process characterized by an uneven heating and thermal expansion stress that causes the detachment of rock peels, flakes or spalls. We examined 18 granitoid erratic blocks on a gradient of fire severity in a burned inselberg near El Bolsón, during March 2023. Among them, 13 blocks showed fire spalling, producing 0.1 to 6 kg/m2 of sediment on rock surfaces with an average of 1.72 kg/m2. The incidence of fire spalling showed a more pronounced occurrence within areas of higher severity above dNBR 800. This study is the first mention of fire-induced weathering in the Patagonian Andes, which underlines the need to investigate the intricate relationship between forest fires and the denudation of vegetated outcrops in the region.


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2024-04-17 — Actualizado el 2024-07-10

Cómo citar

Quesada, A., Paez, M. B., Bistolfi, N. M. ., Blazina, A. P. ., & Amoroso, M. M. . (2024). Fire effects on rock weathering in the North Patagonian Andean Range . Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis, 31(1), 96-102. Recuperado a partir de



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